Regional Employer Subclass 494 and State Sponsored Subclass 491 Visa
This visa is a temporary visa similar to the subclass 482 work visa, in that it allows employers to sponsor a skilled overseas worker to fill a position they cannot fill from the local labour market.
Where it differs, is that it is for employers in regional areas (i.e. anywhere in Australia outside of Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane) and provides a 5 year temporary visa.
Importantly, it also provides a pathway for permanent residence for those individuals who have an occupation on the Short Term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL) who would otherwise not have such a pathway under the subclass 482 program.
Key Criteria:
- Be nominated by an employer
- Be under 45 years of age
- Must have a positive Skills Assessment and competent English
- Must have an occupation on the MLTSSL, STSOL or ROL occupation list
- Must meet health and character criteria
Skilled Work Regional Subclass 491 Visa
The subclass 491 visa is a temporary residence visa which enables skilled workers to live and work in a designated regional area (again anywhere in Australia outside of Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane).
It is available to both skilled workers who are already living and working in Australia as temporary residents and to those living outside Australia. As opposed to the subclass 494 which requires an employer to sponsor you, this visa requires either a State or Territory Government or a relative (Australian Citizen or permanent resident who resides in a regional area) to nominate you.
The subclass 491 visa is granted for a period of 5 years and enables the visa holder to live and work in a regional area and apply for permanent residency after three years.
Key criteria:
- All applicants must meet a minimum score of 65 points on the points test and must:
- Be nominated by a State or Territory Government or eligible relative
- Be under 45 years of age
- Must have a Skills Assessment and at least competent English
- If State or Territory sponsored, meet their eligibility criteria which includes being in an occupation on their occupation list
- Must meet health and character criteria
Access to Medicare
Both Subclass 494 and Subclass 491 visa holders also have access to Medicare, so the visa holder does not need to take out private health insurance.
Visa holders can also apply for permanent residence after 3 years living and working in a regional area.
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The information provided is for general awareness and cannot guarantee the accuracy of the content. Please verify the accuracy with a Government Body or Migration Law Firm.
If you are considering working in Australia, Emanate Resourcing can help. Our team is on hand at every step of the process from supporting you with your registration to helping you settle in and work in Australia.
Any visa related queries will need to be directed to our affiliated Migration Law Firm with proper engagements in place.